Saturday, October 10, 2015

Travelling to Burgos to start the Camino

We travelled to Burgos in the morning to start the Camino. We spent the day at the museam of human evolution then at a amazing cathedral. The museum had skulls from previous human ancestors that were over a million years old. The cathedral was absolutely enormous.  Then we found a place to sleep for 6 euros which is a good price. The place is clean and cute. They have been serving pilgrims here since 1400 something. Whoa.

So we slept with those orange squishy ear plugs which i feel are basically worthless. The large lady in the  bed to the right and below me has been working on her stihl chansaw impersonation talent for about half the night. Dont worry - the first half of the night was a duo between the two older ladies next to Sol. Awesome, right!!

So many wonderful things in Spain but right now its the snoring we need to talk about because what else is there to do in the early, early hours of the morning when you know you wont be sleeping anymore>

So you almost get to a point when the snores start to sound like white noise. A very loud but nice patternn. grrrr  hmmmm. then some gross spit-choking snarl makes you realize that it you are still awake and not happy about the dorm-room style sleeping!

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