Monday, October 12, 2015

Camino Day 2 - 18.5 KM

Camino Day 2!

Rain was forcasted for today and did it come! We had a nice warm morning and hiked while the sun rose.

We started in the medieval town of Rabe de las Calzadas and hiked 7.8 KM to again another medieval village called Hornillos del Camino.  By this time the rain was pretty serious and we busted out our super awesome $5 ponchos from Menards! Who needs North Face? 5.7 KM later we were very wet and ready to take our boots off and stretch in San Bol. This was not a town but a church/rest area for pilgrims. It was unfortunatly closed. We were on a high plateau with no trees so there was no where dry to stop so we pressed on for Hontanas, 5 KM down the road.  The mud was so thick at this point that the mud was clumped to our boots and every step seemed really hard!  Solomon was doing okay but I was getting pretty tired! We had a protein bar each and some toast for breakfast so we were ready to arrive, eat and get dry!

The first hostal we found took credit cards (we have almost no cash and most small villages dont take credit cards; but that is another story) and we checked in and got our first private room after listening to people snore for the last two nights. We have a beautiful room for only 35 Euros!

We also chose to buy a dinner at the 7pm pilgrim family style meal and at paella, salad, wine, pudding etc. It was delicious andn we ate with people from Texas, Finland, Mexico, Germany, Austria and I am sure there were more.

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